Mercado de tecnologia: Há cultura organizacional diversa?

Technology market: Is there a diverse organizational culture?

“Technology moves the world”. This is one of Steve Jobs' most iconic phrases and remains timeless. This is an allusion to the important impact that technology has on society, whether through innovations, facilities or everyday resources in people's lives.

Along these lines, people are fundamental to technology. They are responsible for developing solutions for the market and news for the consumer. However, what is needed for organizations in the IT market to have more talent?

Data about the technology sector

The question in the previous paragraph is relevant if the estimated deficit of 408 thousand jobs in the sector is considered, with accumulated losses of around R$ 167 billion, according to a survey by Softex.

Professional people in the area of Data Science, Software Development, Product Design, among others. There are an infinite number of possibilities to work in the technology area. When looking for reasons for this surplus of vacancies, it is possible to list the lack of experience and/or necessary skills of technology professionals.

However, high turnover, preceded by a lack of motivation, conditions and environments considered adequate by professionals, are also part of the reality of this market. Therefore, one of the challenges is understanding what is necessary not only to hire, but also to retain talent in organizations.

Mercado de tecnologia: Há cultura organizacional diversa?
Technology market: Is there a diverse organizational culture?

About diversity in the technology market

From the perspective of a Human Resources professional from a company established in the technology market for 12 years, it is possible to say that Diversity is a factor that needs to be considered. But, when I talk about Diversity it is about all its aspects.

In a period in which remote work is part of everyday life for companies, Cultural Diversity is important. We live in a country full of creative people, with different cultures that can be complementary in the day-to-day activities of organizations, so an environment where cultural exchanges complement each other is necessary.

Encouraging dialogue is also necessary. It is necessary to debate and understand Gender, Ethnic-Racial, PWD and Neurodiversity in the job market. Furthermore, generating opportunities for people from the 40+ generation must also become a habit in organizational discussions.

Modern concepts

If debates are important, respect is mandatory. There is no point in discussions, lectures, workshops and training if the teachings are not put into practice. Much more than building a diverse organizational culture, it is essential to deconstruct societal concepts that no longer fit today.

When talking about deconstructing concepts, it helps to reduce and combat prejudices, such as machismo, ableism, fatphobia, LGBTphobia, racism, in their most diverse spheres and in the search for equality and respect. It is through actions such as taboo-free diversity discussions and valuing an environment that focuses on inclusion, that we will contribute to transforming work environments into the safest possible for all people.

From the moment that people belonging to minority groups have more opportunities, we will address part of the problem and will inevitably reduce the deficit of professionals in a market as necessary as technology. But to achieve this, it is essential to realize that people are even more important.

If Jobs said in the past that technology moves the world, then it is valid to say that it is people who move the future of technology.

*By Patrícia Kost @ administrators