Garopaba Smart City: reconhecimento internacional - photo andreluibernardo

Garopaba Smart City: international recognition

Garopaba Smart City! Garopaba recently won InovaCidade 2023, the most prestigious Smart City award in Latin America. Only Joinville and Florianópolis, two other cities in Santa Catarina, achieved this title in this edition. The Smart City America Business Institute, responsible for international recognition, held the awards ceremony in São Paulo, during one of the biggest events on smart cities in Latin America.

This achievement was possible thanks to the Garopaba em Ação program, a plan that prioritizes the dynamic and sustainable development of the municipality. In other words, ensuring quality of life through the construction of a harmonious culture. Therefore, it is not just the inauguration of a project, but rather planning. In other words, it creates an intelligent, equitable, circular, open and democratic ecosystem. In this way, they are interconnected actions that aim to benefit the population, the environment and the economy.

In total, 135 applications were received, and Garopaba em Ação was one of the 32 projects selected. Entries that scored in the four pillars evaluated: method, relevance, impact and efficiency. “A Smart City is not just based on technology, but on everything that improves people's lives, transforming them into agents of change. Garopaba was on stage alongside other municipalities with superior structure and budgets. We are becoming a reference in the country. I congratulate our entire team!”, celebrates vice-mayor Guto Chaves, who received the award personally.

About the program

The Garopaba em Ação program is an example of sustainable development, which seeks to create a harmonious culture that encompasses different aspects of the city. Therefore, this plan is constantly improving and values the participation of the population. In other words, considering the complexities involved in the environment, human beings, economy and society.

Since its launch in 2021, the program has already shown positive indicators in several areas and has become a reference in actions carried out in the city. In addition to the prestigious InovaCidade 2023 award, Garopaba was also one of the finalists for the Band Cidades Excelles award, in the Sustainability category. Garopaba em Ação is implemented based on strategic planning aligned with the 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proposed by the United Nations (UN).

What is Smart City?

According to the European Union, Smart Cities are systems in which people interact and use energy, materials, services and finance to drive economic development and improve quality of life. In other words, these interactions are considered intelligent due to the strategic use of infrastructure. As well as services, information and communication, urban planning and management to meet the social and economic needs of society.

Currently, the “Cities in Motion” index, developed by IESE Business School in Spain, presents 10 dimensions that indicate the level of intelligence of a city. That is, governance, public administration, urban planning, technology, environment, international connections, social cohesion, human capital and economy.

In conclusion, despite being a relatively recent concept, Smart Cities have already established themselves as a fundamental topic in global discussions on sustainable development. Driving a global market for technological solutions estimated at US$ 408 billion by 2020. Cities in emerging countries are investing billions of dollars in smart products and services. In order to sustain economic growth and meet the material demands of the new middle class. At the same time, developed countries need to improve their existing urban infrastructure to remain competitive. In this search for solutions, more than half of European cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants already have or are implementing initiatives to become true Smart Cities.

Garopaba Smart City in practice

Garopaba em Ação adopts a systematic approach, starting with explicit motivation, followed by a case study. As well as, prior debate and analysis of economic, social and environmental viability to measure the impacts of the program. So far, comprehensive works and actions have been carried out in all areas of public administration, such as health, education, security, environment and technology.

Finally, the program established partnerships with the municipal public administration. In other words, involving state and federal programs and projects that seek innovative and sustainable solutions to chronic problems. In addition to direct support, associations and organizations from the third sector also participated, as foreseen by the program.

With information: @SCtododia It is @FGV