O conceito de underdog no marketing

The concept of underdog in marketing

The concept of Underdog is widely used in Digital Marketing, and it is no coincidence. Companies that use this strategy are able to stand out even in a highly competitive market. In other words, the Underdog It is the company that, apparently, is smaller, weaker and with fewer resources than its competitors, but manages, with a lot of effort, to surpass them.

What originally is the concept of underdog?

The original concept of Underdog dates back to the world of sports, more specifically boxing. In the past, the expression “Underdog” was used to describe a fighter who, despite being considered less skilled or less strong, managed to beat his opponent through determination, strategy and effort. Over time, the expression began to be used in other areas. Like in the business world and digital marketing. The idea is that companies that find themselves in an unfavorable position can, through a proactive and creative stance, overcome their competitors and gain a space in the market.

By adopting a proactive, bold and creative stance, these companies can outperform their competitors, win new customers and consolidate their position in the market. The concept of Underdog, therefore, is not limited to an attitude of overcoming, but represents an effective strategy for those seeking to differentiate themselves from the competition and achieve success.

O conceito de underdog no marketing
The concept of underdog in marketing

Underdog in digital marketing

Currently, companies that use this strategy are able to stand out, with fewer resources and in a highly competitive market. To apply the Underdog strategy in Digital Marketing, you need to understand that it is not just a defensive posture. On the contrary, it is necessary to be aggressive, create an attack plan and take advantage of every opportunity to stand out in the market. Therefore, it is essential to have well-prepared strategic planning, in addition to proactive and qualified labor.

One of the main advantages of adopting the Underdog approach to Digital Marketing is the possibility of differentiating yourself from competitors. In a saturated market, where many companies offer similar products and services, this differentiation is essential to win new customers and retain existing ones. Furthermore, it helps to create a positive image of the brand, associated with overcoming and fighting against adversity.

Planning and commitment

Another advantage of Underdog in Digital Marketing is the possibility of competing on equal terms with large companies. After all, it is not just companies with more financial and technological resources that can stand out in the market. With a well-planned strategy and a committed team, a smaller company can overcome the market giants and conquer its space. Therefore, by adopting this approach, it is possible to create a positive image of the brand, differentiating itself from competitors. As well as, compete on equal terms with larger companies and achieve success.


In conclusion: one of the main challenges when adopting the Underdog strategy in Digital Marketing is dealing with competition. In other words, you need to be prepared to face larger companies, with more resources and an already established customer base. In this sense, it is essential to seek innovation, creativity and boldness to stand out and gain a place in the sun.

“Don’t underestimate yourself. If you are an underdog, you have the power to surprise everyone.” – Kobe Bryant